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The Wonderful Benefits of Sugar!

Updated: Sep 11, 2019

While many of us may yield to the siren song of sweet, sweet sugar, in it's many wonderful confectionery incarnations, we know deep down that sugar is the precursor to many diseases and health issues, and we really should keep it to a minimum in our diets.

One way we CAN indulge, and not feel guilty, is by using it as a part of our beauty regimen. For these purposes, sugar has many benefits:

Being a natural humectent, sugar helps our skin to retain moisture. Also, many sugars - such as the natural, Non-GMO Verified cane sugar found in our product - are a natural source of glycolic acid.

Glycolic acid is used in many skincare applications for its ability to improve the skin's texture, reducing wrinkles, improving scarring and age spots. It works by weakening the binding properties of the epidermis, thereby exfoliating the dead cells and exposing live skin cells.

For these reasons, we love sugar as the basis for our scrub. Combined with the amazing moisturizing & age-fighting properties of our oils and sea kelp extract, it's a winning combination that will leave your skin smooth and hydrated. Sugar is a wonderful, gentle and effective exfoliant that is safe to use every day. If you have any skin sensitivities, you should consult your dermatologist regarding usage of any skin product. Another great reason to use sugar scrubs is, sugar is actually pretty good at killing bacteria. Even though this would seem counter-intuitive for all we know of sugar as a dietary killer, it is actually the truth. Topical applications of sugar are actually beneficial, whereas ingesting sugar is still bad...sorry...but YAY for the former, right? Anyways, you can read more about that in another post where you will find links to the scientific research.

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