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Be[e] The Boss of Your Own Life 🐝

Updated: Sep 11, 2019

Just finished a good morning walk on the beach with Pebbles. I have to admit, I'm working thru a little fear right now, as I got my labs back yesterday. The good news is, it looks like I've found the answer to some disturbing symptoms - vitamin D deficiency. Very surprising huh? I mean, I live in sunny southern California - how can I have a vitamin D deficiency? Well, it turns out, there's two kinds of vitamin D - one made from the sun, and the other from diet. It's the D3 - the dietary one I'm lacking, and it's symptoms are pretty alarming - high blood pressure, aching muscles and bones, exhaustion, fuzzy thinking, low T3 uptake (or T4, I can't remember, but it's a big deal and had been wreaking havoc on my well being because I take thyroid medication and it hasn't been working up to par for a while). If I'd have only known this sooner, I could've saved myself some serious health risk factors... But that's what induces that fear... Fear of dying. The greatest lack of control fear there is. The big one. Studies show, this is a common fear though, and a fear that manifests in a whole lotta different ways. But if I reframe it and tell myself how grateful I am that my doctor decided to check all these levels, instead of just the TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone), and now I can remedy the problem, it empowers me. I can take proactive measures and literally see the changes take place through my next blood test results. AND... And this is the best part: I can play a role in creating optimal health, which will make me feel great physically and emotionally ❤️ Sometimes we get so wrapped up in our lives and whatever goal we are trying to achieve, that we ignore what our body is telling us. This is where I found mindfulness meditation to be of the greatest service to me. I start my days with it now. I sit quietly, take 3 deep breaths. With each subsequent deep breath and release, I relax into it a little more until I am focused only on my breath. Then I scan my body for any pain or discomfort, and ask what that pain is telling me, and how I can release it. I don't labor for an answer from the universe, rather, I continually focus on my breath at this point, or go head to toe, envisioning a wonderful deep tissue massage, all the while remaining in the present moment. That's where the magic happens - when you remain in the present, after asking your subconscious mind a question. Just know that it immediately goes to work to find the answer, and it will come to you in the form of an inspiration, a great idea, or maybe even the thought of who you need to contact. It may also bring that right person or people to you. This actually just happened to me with something else. Anyways, that's how I deal with unpleasant circumstances that hit my core fear center, because it takes them out of my subconscious mind where they're rattling around, wreaking havoc as a free-floating anxiety, and it places them where I can consciously and objectively assess the situation and figure out ways to deal with them. In this case, the answer is a vitamin D supplement to get my levels back to normal, and at the same time, a conscious effort to make healthy food choices, and exercise regularly. Plus, I have a follow up appointment with an endocrinologist, and in a few days, I'm going to see a doctor give a presentation on managing your thyroid, which I just happened to scroll past in my Facebook feed. So while this type of mindfulness activity falls under the heading of Law of Attraction, it can be a hot button for some, because they think it means you just think about what you want, and you get it, and since that's not working for them, they don't believe. However, you can see from what I've just explained, what really happens is, you become mindful, and in turn, that leads to inspiration and synchronicities where ideas come to you, or people come to you, but YOU are the one who goes out and gets it done. If you don't seize the opportunities, then you have nobody to blame but yourself. Which will be a subject for another day.

Have a great day and stay conscious! 😂😂😂 ❤️❤️❤️🌼🌸🌷🦆✌️😎🦈🌮 

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