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Trigger Moments

Updated: Sep 11, 2019

Everybody's got 'em. Why do seemingly innocuous things set us off, cause our heart to beat faster, or send us into a fog of irrational thoughts? I call them"iceberg moments" because whenever you have an intense, visceral reaction to something that really doesn't call for such dramatics, you can be sure there's more going on underneath the surface than the mere superficiality of the moment. I used to dread when I'd experience these moments because it made me feel like I wasn't completely in control of my emotions. Well guess what? I WASN'T! The fact that I felt an intense anger, or powerlessness towards something that the situation really didn't call for, IS being out of control of your emotions. Of course there are varying degrees of this...I mean, I've never actually killed anybody, so score one for me! But one day I realized, these are actually great teaching opportunities to reprogram your subconscious mind. Now, when I experience a trigger moment, I take a few deep breaths and do a quick meditation, asking myself why I'm having this reaction. What happened that made me feel out of control of my emotions? Using the same technique I've discussed earlier, the answer comes and then I'm able to have an "Aha moment", feel the emotions the original experienced triggered, and look at it objectively now, by taking a step back and finally, letting it go. I have had to do this exercise more than I care to admit. I had more issues than Time Magazine, because I never allowed myself to feel my super painful emotions after many years of abuse. What this does though, is it gets those emotions out of your subconscious mind where they're running on autopilot, wreaking havoc on your life, and into your consciousness where you can see them with objectivity and wisdom, and then you can release them. Emotion is what drives the manifesting machine. I learned this through 20+years of occult studies, but it wasn't until recently that I learned you could actually set yourself free - no matter what your past or current circumstances are, and be happy. So remember, everything you think about goes into the reality you create. The more emotional your responses are, the more you will get of whatever you are emotional about. This is why gratitude is so powerful. If you can find a way to be grateful for what you have right now, you can move forward and achieve your goals. Because the alternative is not being grateful, not being satisfied, and maybe even being downright miserable, and the more of that energy you put into your circumstances, the more of that you'll get. You're driving the bus - it's up to you where you take it. 😊🌼🌸❤️🐝🌷 

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